Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Homework, Biolife

Yesterday was quite unusual for me in regards to homework. I did all of my homework pretty much right away, and by 8:30 PM I was completely done. For me that is REALLY bizarre; I don't even get started on stuff till 7-8 or so. It gets weirder than that; I went to bed at 11:45 or so! Now THAT is unusual! I haven't gone to bed before midnight for I don't know how long! I know that I've never gone to bed that early here at Emmaus, and I can't think of when I last did at home either. Crazy. It was actually quite glorious to know that all my homework was done, and the 8 hours or so of sleep was quite nice too :)

Now for Biolife. Today I finally got my physical (third time was the charm; other 2 times I was too late). This means that I'm now officially a plasma donor! I'm going for my first donation tomorrow at 2:30 PM Lord willing. You can donate up to twice in seven days; the first time it pays $20, and the second time you get $40 (until the end of Feb. when it drops down to $35). So if I keep up with it, I could be earning approximately $60 a week by giving plasma for like 1-2 hours total. Amazing. How it goes tomorrow will determine if I give again and how often. This has potential :) That's all I have for now!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

First Blog Post

This is the first post on my brand-new blog. I figured I'd start one up just to update people who may not be on Facebook or whatever. This is called White Boy Fresh's Blog because my nickname here at college is White Boy Fresh. It was given to me by my best friend Derrek, and it's really stuck actually; almost everyone calls me that here. Anyway, I just wanted to get a blog started so I can post videos and photos and updates for folks back home. I hope you enjoy what I post on here! God bless!