Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day Nugget

I was scheduled to do a Sunday School nugget at my church, and it was on Father's Day this year. The format of our morning beginning is to have one of the men give a little 5-10 minute nugget (sermon) for the whole church before everyone dismisses for Sunday School. And like I said, mine was on Sunday which happened to be Father's Day. This is the spin that I put on the special occasion. I hope it's an encouragement and a challenge to you like it was for me just putting it together.

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Here is my sermon outline:

The Greatest Father of All

Happy Father's Day! For this special occasion, I felt led to give a nugget about the greatest Father that any of us could ever have: our Heavenly Father. Hopefully it's a challenge and an encouragement to you, as it has been for me. I'm gonna talk about three things that God our Heavenly Father does for us.

I. He Disciplines Us (Heb. 12:5-7, 9-10)

- God disciplines us as a sign of His love for His children. Pretty clear from this text.
- This second part is interesting. Parallel between earthly fathers and our Heavenly Father. Earthly fathers disciplined us so we would follow and obey them; how much more is it with God? Verse 10 is HUGE. Earthly fathers discipline us as it seems best to them; they're doing what they know to be right. However, God the Father disciplines us for our profit (NO DOUBT) so that we can share in His holiness. WOW!!!! That totally blows my mind.

II. He Loves Us (1 John 3:1)

God has called us His sons! He's given us an inheritance that none of us deserve. He sacrificed His only begotten Son for us. "How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure..."

III. He Cares for Us (1 Peter 5:7, Matt 7:11)

- Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. Reminds me of Philippians 4:6-7 (be anxious for nothing; give it over to God in prayer and supplication, and He'll give you peace). Matt 6:8b, "...for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him."
- Jesus uses example of children asking for bread and being given a stone. Earthly fathers know better than that. How much more then does our Heavenly Father give us good things (like the Holy Spirit in Luke 11:13) when we need them? God cares for us as His children. I'm thankful for a Heavenly Father Who disciplines me when I need it and Who loves and cares for me as immensely as He does.

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