Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sunday School Nugget - God's Will

I've done three Sunday School nuggets at my home church so far. The first one was on God's timing, and the second one was about our Heavenly Father. My most recent one was given in mid-June this year, not too long after I graduated from Emmaus with my Bachelor's degree. Unfortunately, the recording of it was lost because our church computers crashed. So instead, here's a picture of me delivering this most recent nugget to the congregation from the pulpit.

Most importantly, here's the outline of my nugget. I hope it's a great encouragement and challenge to those of you reading it; I know it has been to me!

Nugget on God’s Will (6/10/12)

Background: I'm a college graduate, looking for a job (preferably with computers)

Lot of questions in my life right now: What can I do for work? Where am I supposed to live (home, Iowa near friends, somewhere else)? Will my future at any location be further shaped by someone of the opposite gender (haha)? Basically, as a Christian my main question is: WHAT IS GOD’S WILL FOR MY LIFE? With certainty I can say, I’m not the only one in the world asking that now.

Next question logically: “Does the Bible say what God’s will for my life is?” The answer is, ABSOLUTELY. It also might not be quite what you’re expecting to hear. I'm barely scratching the surface, but here are some things I’ve found.

1 Thessalonians  4:3, 7                    BE HOLY
1 Thessalonians 5:18                       BE THANKFUL NO MATTER WHAT
                In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Peter 2:13-15                              BE SUBMISSIVE TO AUTHORITY FOR THE LORD’S SAKE

These are all known examples, clearing stating what God's will is. But...

                        What about God’s will not explicitly stated?

Romans 12:1-2 (three parts)
 -          Present your bodies a LIVING SACRIFICE
                Who was the ultimate Sacrifice before God? JESUS CHRIST. And what were His words when He was under great agony at Gethsemane?
                Matthew 26:39, “And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.” In Luke it says, “not my will, but thine, be done.”
                In order to be a living sacrifice, we have to adapt this to our prayer life and our way of thinking. James 4:13-15 confronts the alternative to this right mindset. You can’t say “I have all this planned out for the next day/month/year and that’s how it’s going to be.” You don’t know what’s coming tomorrow! Life is but a vapor, and for that reason say, “IF THE LORD WILLS…”
-          Be not conformed to this world; it won’t show you God’s will, it won’t tell you to follow God and seek after Him.
-          Be transformed by the renewing of your mind; keep your way of thinking on the Lord and not on yourself or things that will cause you to stray. Part of Philippians 2 talks about Christ’s humility and sacrifice, and it starts with this: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus…” (v. 5)

-          TRUST IN THE LORD
-          HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATHS; He knows it better than anyone else!

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